Humanize AI Content: Making AI Content Feel More Human for Better Rankings

Humanize AI Content: Making AI Content Feel More Human for Better Rankings

Humanize AI Content: Making AI Content Feel More Human for Better Rankings

The rise of AI in content marketing is undeniable. But should you trust AI content generators entirely? Or is there a need to add a human touch before hitting the publish button?

Ultimately, whether penned by a machine or a person, content should be user-centric and SEO-friendly. It's all about meeting the searcher's needs.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of AI-generated content and its trajectory. Plus, you'll discover simple steps to transform robotic AI prose into relatable human language. But first, let's explore why this transformation is crucial.

Why Add a Human Touch to AI Content?

Wondering if you should tweak AI-produced content? The answer will become clear as you read on.

At its core, content should feel human. Readers will quickly dismiss anything that feels robotic or nonsensical.

So, yes, refining AI content is a must before it goes live. Here's why:

  1. Prioritize the Reader: Content should cater to readers, not just algorithms. If you rank high but don't resonate with users, your ranking will plummet. Conversely, even if you don't optimize for search engines but meet user needs, your ranking will soar. For example, if someone seeks SEO tips, they want expert advice, not random musings. By adding your insights, you can identify content gaps and enhance the material.
  2. AI Isn't Flawless: Many AI tools are available, each boasting unique features. AI operates based on user input, and sometimes, crucial details are overlooked, leading to imperfect results. It's your job to fill in those gaps and ensure the content's authenticity.
  3. SEO Matters: Even if you're focusing on paid marketing, organic traffic is invaluable. To tap into this, you must adhere to search engine guidelines. AI tools might not always grasp these nuances. Google's John Muller even mentioned that Google isn't a fan of AI-spun jargon. By refining your content, you'll stand out from competitors relying solely on AI.
  4. Boost Conversions: If you're blogging for business, it's not just about ranking; it's about converting. AI might miss emotional nuances crucial for conversions. By adding emotion, you connect with readers, fostering relationships and driving conversions.

Transforming AI Content to Human Like in 7 Steps

Ready to make your AI content shine? Here's a strategic approach:

  1. Pick the Right Tools: Not all AI writing tools are created equal. While many use the GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 model, others might employ custom algorithms. Choose what aligns with your needs. Test different tools to find the best fit. You can also use free online tools like Humanize AI Text by to simplify your process.
  2. Craft a Unique Strategy: Don't rely solely on AI tools and keywords. Analyze competitors, identify content and keyword gaps, and create a tailored strategy. 
  3. Provide Clear Context: Just as writers need clear instructions, so do AI tools. The more detailed and unique your input, the better the output. Always consider user needs and search intent.
  4. Edit Thoroughly: Don't skimp on editing. Review the content as if you're the target audience, mark errors, and refine them. This process will also allow you to verify the information's accuracy.
  5. Optimize for SEO: Adhere to search engine guidelines to make your content more user-friendly. 
  6. Maintain Brand Voice: Every brand has a unique voice. Ensure AI-generated content aligns with this voice. Provide the tool with brand details to help it adapt.
  7. Experiment with A/B Testing: There's no one-size-fits-all approach to AI content. Test different strategies and refine based on results to stay ahead of the curve.

In conclusion, while AI is a powerful tool in content creation, the human touch remains irreplaceable. By blending the best of both worlds, you can craft content that resonates with readers and ranks high on search engines.